Eileen Spade, LUTCF
For the past 25 years, Eileen Spade has been delivering great value to clients as a Financial Services Professional helping them plan ahead for their short-term needs and long-term goals. She is a well organized individual, able to keep multiple priorities in mind, while aiming for the best outcome for her clients.
As a Financial Service Professional, Eileen’s main goal is to help you make well-informed decisions on what types of investments are right for you. Many of Eileen’s clients consist of pre-retirees and retirees that need to know how to get income in retirement. She clearly explains how to get income once you stop receiving those paychecks.
Eileen has been in the financial services industry all of her corporate career. Her background consists of 25 (plus) years working at TIAA (a Fortune 100 financial services organization that is the leading provider of financial services in the academic, research, medical, cultural and governmental fields), where she worked with Human Resources’ Benefit Managers establishing retirement plans for employees and also identifying investment and income options for the individuals of these plans. Her expertise is in Retirement Planning.
Eileen makes herself available to her clients by always being there whether it is during the business day or after hours. Eileen treats her clients the way she would like to be treated - she never loses sight of that. Eileen will tell you, “We are all in the same situation-wanting to be healthy, have money and protect our family. I am no different in that thinking even for myself.” She was raised by a strong, independent and loving woman, her mother, who also made her feel she could do anything. Eileen thanks her for that every day.
In 2007, Eileen made the decision to work with New York Life Insurance Co., continuing to be there for her clients that consist of business owners, individuals and families working to help them choose, invest, and manage plans that will offer ways of reaching financial goals set by her clients. Eileen understands the importance of planning and always having choices in life and that includes where to go to for money.